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Fathers Facing Forward

Dad, I love you..

I praise my child's father for being a good dad.

It makes sense to stay with, love, and care for my family. They are my world.

Where are you, Dad?

Father's Facing Forward is a compelling and impassioned initiative, serving as a clarion call for fathers to embrace and fulfill their most profound and essential role – fatherhood. This program represents a pivotal moment for young fathers, urging them to rise to the occasion and "Dad Up!" in the face of their responsibilities.

The core initiative of Father's Facing Forward revolves around four vital objectives, each aimed at empowering and supporting young fathers in their journey of parenthood:

  1. Encouraging Responsibility Acceptance: The program seeks to inspire young fathers to wholeheartedly accept and confront their responsibilities as fathers. By instilling a sense of duty and commitment, these fathers are encouraged to actively participate in the lives of their children, promoting positive father-child relationships.

  2. Creating Awareness and Solidarity: Father's Facing Forward endeavors to increase awareness among young fathers, assuring them that they are not alone in their parenting journey. Through fostering a sense of camaraderie and support, fathers are encouraged to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, knowing they are part of a community of like-minded individuals.

  3. Providing Parenting Information and Tips: Recognizing that effective parenting requires guidance and knowledge, the program equips young fathers with essential parenting information and practical tips. By imparting valuable insights and evidence-based approaches, fathers can develop the necessary skills to become nurturing and responsible caregivers.

  4. Facilitating Community Linkages and Resources: Father's Facing Forward serves as a conduit, connecting young fathers to valuable community resources and parenting/mentoring networks. By forging links with local organizations and support systems, fathers can access a wealth of guidance, mentorship, and assistance in their parenting journey.


The overarching goal of Father's Facing Forward is to elevate the overall quality of family life within the family and community. By empowering young fathers and encouraging active engagement in fatherhood, the program envisions a transformational impact on the well-being of families. Through fostering positive father-child relationships, fathers become pillars of strength, fostering a nurturing and supportive environment that benefits the emotional and psychological development of their children.

Father's Facing Forward is a catalyst for positive change, instilling the values of responsibility, commitment, and support within young fathers. By embracing this call to action, fathers are equipped to create lasting and meaningful connections with their children, fortifying the foundation of strong and resilient families within the community. Through this collective effort, Father's Facing Forward aspires to herald a new era of empowered fatherhood, enriching the lives of fathers, children, and the community as a whole.

After parting ways, my children's father still takes good care of them.

Inspiration taken from:

Ephesians 6:4 

And, ye fathers, rear your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Great Job To All

Fathers Facing Forward.



As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to making a difference. Every donation we receive helps us to provide more support and resources to those in need. We invite you to join us in our efforts to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

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